• HRMS Employee Self Service


Employee Self-Service

Employee Self-Service is a common component of HR Software that lets employees handle HR-related tasks themselves, reducing administrative overhead for HR professionals.

It provides a host of relevant personalized services directly to Employee Dashboards. Employees can view information pertaining to them and manage their daily tasks from a single, secure web-based platform.

Employee Self-Service enables the employees to access vital HR information so that they can perform some key HR functions like making and forwarding leave applications through an automated process, obtaining the leave approval, performing necessary tasks related to Air ticket requests and approval, training requests, letter requests, etc. It includes an approval workflow that allows the HR administrators to verify the updates before accepting the same.

Aramis HRMS Self Service Management

Key Features

  • Automates leave process from application to final approval
  • Update contact information and share documents with HR
  • Check work schedule/shifts plan
  • Participate in performance Appraisal
  • User-friendly navigation section helps the employees to perform certain other key tasks like air ticket management 
  • Alerts a Notifications
  • Integrates seamlessly with payroll application
  • View company policies & other shared documents
  • Access Training materials
  • Enables to closely manage employee profiles, their benefits, leaves, loans, and salary calculations
  • Reduces paperwork, excess formalities and ensures their faster procession.

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Business Hours

Sun – Thu …… 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Sat – Fri …… Closed


P. O. Box 54200, Al Seef
Kingdom of Bahrain


+973 1725 9007
+973 1725 9008

